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Missouri’s operating budget for fiscal year 2024 gets noticeable provisions

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Friday Gov. Mike Parson signed bills that will make up Missouri's operating budget for Fiscal Year 2024.

The first day of the new Fiscal Year starts Saturday.

The state operating budget for Fiscal Year 2024 totals $51.8 billion with $15.2. billion in general revenue. Meanwhile, Gov. Parson also issued 201 line-item vetoes totaling a little over $555 million dollars.

According to Gov. Parson's office, the provisions are expected to address infrastructure, workforce, education, early childhood programs, and public safety resources.

Some of the items the state plans to utilize its budget for are the following:

  • $2.8 billion to expand and rebuild I-70 across the state from Kansas City to St. Louis
  • $379 million to boost road and bridge projects within the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
  • $248 million for broadband deployment in unserved and underserved communities
  • $60 million for safety improvements at railroad crossings
  • $20 million for grant funding for first responders
  • $13.1 million for targeted salary increases for the Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • $11 million to upgrade Missouri State Highway Patrol equipment
  • $1 million to continue the Missouri Blue Scholarship program

As Gov. Parson vetoed certain items in his budget deliberations, New Bloomfield lost $5.6 million for water and sewer system improvements along with other funding significant to Mid-Missouri.

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Joushua Blount

Joushua Blount hails from Cleveland, Ohio and has a bachelor’s degree in media communications from the University of Toledo. He also has a master’s degree from the University Of Alabama. Roll Tide!


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