Fulton bus driver shares his side of the story after being suspended
The Fulton bus driver who got caught using his phone while driving several students is sharing his side of the story on social media.
The bus driver says in his defense he was just playing Christmas music for the children. In a social media post, he denies ever talking on the phone. He continues by writing online he thought he was doing a good thing by playing music on the bus but many Fulton parents disagree.
"If it was for them they wouldn't be able to hear it anyways unless you have a speaker or something hooked up to it. I personally feel like the music was for him," parent Brandy Bugg said.
Last week, a Fulton bus driver was caught on camera using his cell phone while driving.
Bugg says her kids have complained all year the driver has backed up into ditches, mailboxes and has run off the side of the road.
Once Bugg began addressing her concerns on social media, the driver was suspended.
The bus driver then proceeded with posting a comment on Facebook, "Well I have been suspended... you people have won".
Bugg said, "I don't believe anybody has won anything... because you got reprimanded for behaviors that probably should have been reprimanded before now".
Several videos were taken by students on the bus also allegedly show the driver picking up a mailbox after crashing into it.
The unidentified bus driver denies his actions and says he never damaged any mailboxes.
The videos taken by the students are picking up steam on Facebook and residents are angry with the driver which made the Callaway County Sheriff's office get involved.
According to Sheriff Clay Chism, many people have reached out to him so he contacted Fulton School District to see if an investigation was open.
In a statement from the Sheriff, "upon personally receiving direct contact from many local residents immediately after this matter was publicized on a local social media page, I did personally contact a member of the Fulton Public Schools administration to ensure an administrative inquiry would be made within district also. Â Such inquiry was already in-progress when I called."Â Â
After reaching out to Fulton School District, Superintendent Ty Crain says no new information will be released at this time.
The bus driver has also made no comment at this time.