Governor Mike Parson’s Inauguration open to public

Governor Parson is set to be sworn in as the 57th Governor of the State of Missouri on Monday, at the 2021 Bicentennial Inauguration.
The Inauguration will take place on the South Lawn of the Missouri Capitol. Events kick off at 11 a.m. and are free and open to the public.
The Missouri State University Chorale will perform and Gary Kremer will make Bicentennial remarks before a joint session of the Missouri General Assembly is called to order.
Oaths of office will be administered to the Attorney General, State Treasurer, Secretary of State and the Lieutenant Governor before Judge Sarah Castle administers the oath of office to Governor Parson.
Following the oath, Parson is scheduled to deliver an inaugural address.
In a press release, The Bicentennial Inaugural Committee said it consulted with state and local health officials and will follow their guidance to protect attendees, participants and staff members.
Masks, while encouraged, will not be required at the inauguration. The committee said events will be socially distanced and guests will go through a health and security screening.
Missouri Moving Forward 501(c)(4) will pay for the celebrations, they are expected to disclose benefactors and their contributions at a later date.