Jefferson City Parks and Rec begins assessing flood damage
The Jefferson City Parks and Rec is continuing to rebuild after historic spring flooding on the Missouri River.
JJ Gates, assistant director of park and golf operations, said the department has cleaned up all of Washington Park and is now assessing the damage done to parks in North Jefferson City.
Gates said most parks properties should return to normal use in the next few weeks, but it could be next spring before the Noren river access and soccer fields are back into use.
Gates said his biggest concern is getting in new turf for the fields in North Jefferson City, “There’s a lot of acres over there and to establish grass in the fall you don’t have a big window, so we’re going to try to match up resources with Mother Nature and see what we can do.”
He it could be a few years until it’s completely back to normal.
Gates said they have been in the affected areas since the water has gone down, but it will be a long process.
“We’re kind of a small crew that’s having to do other park maintenance and other obligations in the parks, so we are getting to it as we can,” he said.