High flood waters cover Glasgow park
Nearly half of Stump Island Park was flooded on Wednesday due to the Missouri River’s rising waters.
According to locals in the area, the park is usually full of people this time of year. Several people come out to the park to fish while kids play soccer or basketball.
“The last time it was flooded, it was not flooded this bad,” said Glasgow resident Marci Edington.
Edington and her family drove out to the park on Wednesday to see all of the flooding. They were some of several people who showed up to the park during the lunch hour.
“Since I’ve lived here, this is the worst I’ve seen it yet,” she said.
Glasgow Parks and Recreation superintendent Vic Suttner said the town is used to seeing the park flooded due to its close proximity to the river but said that this level of flooding hasn’t been seen for years.
“We haven’t had water in the park like this for several years,” Suttner said.
Allthough the park has flooded more than usual in 2019, Suttner said there are no real cost concerns to the park. The biggest issues are clearing debris and replacing gravel on the roads.
“We have people who volunteer to help clean up some of the stuff a lot of the times,” he said.
Members of the city’s park board will help as well.