Daily routines help kids transition back-to-school more easily, pediatrician recommends
Some children are anxious about starting a new school year. Dr. Pauline Bridgeman said parents should create a daily routine to help their children adjust.
“As a parent, I totally sympathize with everyone who is having a difficult time,” Bridegman said. “My children could not get up this morning. That’s just the reality.”
She said it’s a good idea to eat dinner at the same time each night and have kids go to bed at a set time. Electronic usage should stop before bedtime rolls around.
“Light from a back-lit screen just before bed, it’s going to be really hard to lay down and go to sleep because your brain thinks it’s time to wake up,” she said.
Bridgeman said elementary and middle school students need 10 to 11 hours of sleep per night. She recommends keeping the same bedtime routine during the weekends.
Parents should try to cut down on afterschool activities at the beginning of the school year to avoid overwhelming kids as they transition back, she said.