Further steps taken to advance the building of a Missouri Hyperloop
On Tuesday, MODOT, The University of Missouri System, Missouri Innovation Center and other organizations announced the formation of the Missouri Hyperloop Coalition.
The coalition was formed to advance the building of a Hyperloop route linking Kansas City, Columbia and St. Louis along the I-70 corridor.
Missouri’s Hyperloop route would allow a combined 5 million residents to access research universities, a network of world class plant science and animal health research hubs, and growing business communities in less than 25 minutes.
Missouri proposed the I-70 route to Hyperloop One two years ago as part of MODOT’s “Road to Tomorrow” project to promote innovation along I-70.
“It is clear from our conversations with Hyperloop One that they were impressed with our initial proposal,” said Andrew Smith, vice president of Entrepreneurship and Innovation for the St. Louis Regional Chamber. “Our proposed route connects two major metropolitan area in the same state along with a major research university, and we have the most favorable regulatory and cost environment of any porposed build sit. Hyperloop One is encouraging us to take the next step with an engineering feasibilty study.”
Patrick McKenna, Commissioner of MODOT, estimates that a feasibility study will cost between $1-$1.5MM.
McKenna said, “We are committed to bringing this innovative mode of transportation to Missouri.”
Dr. Mun Choi, President of the University of Missouri System said, “The Hyperloop will represent a paradigm shift in our ability to travel and conduct business throughout Missouri. The University of Missouri System is very excited to partner on this initiative.”