What’s Going Around: 01/10/2017
The last ice event we had in mid-Missouri left many of us stranded on the road or cooped up inside. Before the potential ice this coming Friday, many people are trying to be proactive. Doctor Flynn from Mizzou Quick Cares and Urgent Care says she has seen a number of patients this week that want to get checked out in case the ice keeps them inside later this week. She says many people have early symptoms and just want to get it taken care of now. She is also seeing flu cases kick up and thinks we might finally be in flu season. Doctor Flynn is noticing people that have gotten the flu shot are seeing milder cases. A lot of kids have also been diagnosed with RSV and strep. Doctor Bettis from Broadway Urgent Care says mumps cases are still coming in to the office. He has even seen cases outside of the college population. He says sinus infections and viruses are also making patients sick.