Governor Nixon announces funding for state parks
Gov Jay Nixon has designated almost $3 million to be put toward 31 park projects around the state. $310,000 will be spent in Columbia. State Parks Director Bill Bryan and Department of Natural Resources Director Harry Bozoian were also at the announcement.
The $2.9 million is coming from the federal Recreational Trails Program and Land Water Conservation Fund.
The city of Columbia’s money will be used for a bridge replacement, informational trail kiosks, and Norma Smith Park in northeast Columbia.
“This funding provides new opportunities for Missourians throughout the Show-Me State to experience the outdoors,” Gov. Nixon said. “By expanding these recreational resources, we are creating healthier, happier communities.”
The governor spoke about the scheduled opening of Rock Island Trail between Windsor and Kansas City. Rock Island, combined with the Katy Trail State Park, will complete a statewide hiking and biking trail from Kansas City to St. Louis.
“There’s just no where in the country, quite frankly in the world, where you’ve got that ability to get to both of your major cities like that,” Nixon said.
Two women were recently attacked on the MKT trail in Columbia. The first attack was reported in August near the Forum access area. The second was in October near Flat Branch Park in downtown Columbia. Police have not provided updates on either of the assaults.
ABC 17 News asked the governor if any of this money would be used to make the trails safer for users. Nixon said the improvements will make the park areas safer to ride on or hike on, treating some of the erosion areas.
“Plus the bridges will be the new type models that are safer to get across on,” Nixon said. “But as far as the public safety side, police or what not, these are trails grants that are focused on the infrastructure that’s there for the trails so that’s what we’re talking about today.”