November Temperature Outlook
Wondering what to expect for the month of November? Forecast models are indicating temperatures above normal for the majority of the US, including Mid-Missouri. Normally, average temperatures drop significantly during this month, with the average high of 61 on November 1st, dropping to the average high of 46 by November 30th. The low temperatures fall from the mid 40s during the first of the month, down to 28-29 by the end.
While this doesn’t necessarily tells us we’ll be mild, it does indicate that temperatures will likely be above the average which would be indicative of a later freeze then usual. The average first hard freeze in Mid-Missouri is October 21st. We’ll likely see frost, but the chances of seeing a hard freeze holds off until either the very end of October, although due to model trends, I’d say our better opportunity for the first freeze will occur in early to mid November. For additional weather updates follow @ABC17Stormtrack on Twitter and like us on Facebook.