Typical June weather in Mid-Missouri
As the sun’s direct rays approach the Tropic of Cancer on the 20th, temperatures in the northern hemisphere continue to heat up in June. In Mid-Missouri the 30 year average high temperature to start the month is 79 degrees but by the 30th it climbs to 86 as low temperatures warm to 66.
June is normally stormy with an average of 4.47″ of rain for the month. We transition from our typical spring storm pattern when afternoon and evening storms are more common to a summer storm pattern when overnight to morning storm systems become more common.These mesoscale convective systems often bring heavy rain and strong, gusty winds. The wettest June on record was in 1928 with 14.86″ rainfall.
The highest temperature recorded in June was back in 2012 when we reached 107 degrees. On the other hand, it can also be chilly. The lowest temperature recorded was 40 degrees back in 1993.