Jefferson City police watch for impaired drivers
The Jefferson City Police Department is warning drivers to “drive sober or get pulled over.” The department joins other law enforcement agencies in keeping impaired drivers off the road.
Jefferson City has a special team dedicated tonight for St. Patrick’s Day to make sure roads and drivers are safe.
Last year, in 2015, Boone County Sheriff’s Department stopped 363 on St. Patrick’s Day but made no DWI’s. However, around the same time of year, Missouri State Highway Patrol stopped 30 cars at their DWI checkpoint.
“There is always someone that is not going to take the advantage that is out there, whether is be a cab or a friend or a sober driver,” Lt. David Williams, Jefferson City Police Department.
Taxi cab company Checker Cabs in Jefferson City, says the rate are the same for tonight but they did add extra staff to assist with the large amount of calls.
According to Jefferson City Police Department, the nice weather leaves more opportunities for people to make bad decisions, “like most celebratory days there are people that will look for any excuse to go and have more than they normally do.”
Local bars in Jefferson City say they are expecting a large crowd for St. Patrick’s Day but they have a great relationship with police to do their best to make sure people are making safe decisions.