Great Circle Services
24-Hour Specialized Care:
-residential treatment
-general mental health
Autism Services
Crisis Services:
-Empowering youth homeless
-Emergency Shelter
Day Program Services:
-Intensive outpatient services
-self-injury treatment services
-Autism support
-serving children with severe emotional and behavioral issues, as well as children with communication disorders, cognitive delays, or an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis
-individualized education and behavior therapy in small class settings.
-accredited by Independent Schools of the Central States
Home and Community Based Services:
-Care Management
-Counseling: individual, family, and group
-Foster parent training
-In-home family support (after care, intensive home services, intensive family reunification services, intensive family intervention services
-Psychological services
-School-based support services
-Supervised visitation
-Therapeutic foster care
-Transitional youth services
-Transitional living group
Scattered Site
-Impact Us
Parenting Support:
-Parent education
-Healthy Families
-Incredible Years
-Training and Workshops
-Empowering Parents
-Pause Parenting
Super-Curricular Programs:
-Experiential/Adventure Therapy
-Changing Prisms