Football players contract contagious skin rash at Boonville High School
Officials at Boonville High School have confirmed seven football players have contracted a contagious skin infection, and the school is working to prevent the rash from spreading.
The rash, herpes gladiatorum, is a viral skin infection that is common among athletes through skin to skin contact.
The infection is said to spread through skin contact or through touching saliva.
Symptoms include clusters of blisters, fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and burning or tingling skin around the affected area.
The school has been working to screen all players and sterilize all equipment and the locker rooms, as well as classrooms.
The seven ill players will not play in Friday night’s scheduled game against Lafayette County.
A letter was sent home with students to notify parents.
Principal Tim Edwards told ABC 17 News there were more screenings Wednesday, but no new cases.