Mid-Missouri law enforcement responds to police violence
After the latest events in Ferguson, ABC 17 News sat down with a member of Mid-Missouri law enforcement.
We talked to Captain Doug Shoemaker from the Jefferson City Police Department about the recent police violence.
Shoemaker said it’s a well-known struggle for anyone trying to protect the public.
He said officers have to compare their jobs with their other roles as members of the community.
Shoemaker said they have to preserve people’s rights, but also honor their mission to keep residents safe.
“I think the St. Louis County Police Chief said it very well in his statement this morning. We have officers in a very difficult position, protecting the rights of people to protest. The majority of protesters are doing exactly just as they should, and we respect that. Analyzing those who are there to do ill will, either to the citizens or us, is the trick, and as we witnessed last night, that becomes the big issue. How do we continue to do what we’re doing and protect our lives and the lives of those who are out there doing the right thing,” said Shoemaker.
Shoemaker said it’s been a tough year for law enforcement, which saw an increase in gun violence toward officers.