NAACP marchers encounter opposition during “Journey for Justice”
The NAACP started day three of their “Journey for Justice” march for Michael Brown early Wednesday morning… but it wasn’t long before they ran into trouble.
The more than 50 protestors were stopped by an angry crowd in Rosebud, Missouri, holding racial signs and yelling racial slurs.
“No peace, no welfare checks!” Some of the Rosebud residents screamed.
NAACP President Mary Ratliff said the Journey for Justice marchers didn’t stop or acknowledge them.
But several people in Rosebud came out to support the NAACP.
Marchers said they walked around 23 miles today.
“We have to be serious about making change, we have to march until we can’t march anymore!” Ratliff said.
Ratliff said the hardest part of the day wasn’t her tired feet or the traffic.
“The hardest part has been realizing there is so much hatred and racism in this country,” she said.
But she said she’ll keep walking despite it.
Angry Rosebud residents weren’t the only ones who lined the streets for the NAACP protestors — police also did.
“We just wanted to keep them safe on their march so they didn’t have any incidents,” Gasconade County Sheriff Randy Esphorst said.
Police and protestors will be back out continuing the march at 7:30 Thursday morning starting at the Gasconade River Bridge.