Eight killed in weekend traffic crashes, none wearing seatbelts
8 people died in Memorial Day weekend traffic crashes in Missouri.
The Missouri State Highway Patrol responded to 295 accidents that also included 130 injuries between 6:00 Friday and 11:59 p.m. Monday.
That’s in comparison to Memorial Day weekend 2013, where there were 274 crashes resulting in 119 injuries and 5 of 6 deaths over that weekend.
None of the people who were killed in accidents this year were wearing their seatbelts.
A California, Mo. man died when he drove off the road and over-corrected in on a Moniteau Co. road.
Also this year, troopers arrested 146 people for driving while intoxicated compared to 129 people last year.
While there were no boating deaths over the weekend, troopers did investigate 8 boating crashes with two injuries. Troopers arrested 20 people for boating while intoxicated.