Robberies Spiked Fourfold
The number of robberies spiked fourfold since the start of December in Columbia. In the first two weeks of December, 17 robberies have been reported compared to four robberies reported in the last two weeks of November, according to police reports. ABC 17 News compiled the robbery numbers and the majority of them took place at convenience stores/gas stations. These are the following places where robberies have occurred: – 6 gas stations/convenience stores- 3 residential- 3 businesses (grocery stores, strip malls)- 2 intersections- 1 bank- 1 fast food restaurant- 1 motel Thirteen out of 17 robberies reported in December took place after dark, and only four were reported during the daytime. Six robberies were reported between the hours of 6 and 9 p.m. Three robberies were reported between the hours of 9:01 p.m. and midnight, while four were reported overnight between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m.