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Mayor offers new plan for more police

As desire for better, quicker police service increases, Columbia Mayor Brian Treece offered a new plan to hire more officers. The mayor spoke about his idea Tuesday night at the Columbia City Council meeting, during a discussion of the city’s FY 2017 Capital Improvement Projects. Treece asked to bring the list back, after shuffling money

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Severe storms are possible Thursday

A cluster of storms is expected to develop in South Dakota late Wednesday evening and move southeast overnight. This organized cluster of storms will produce an outflow of cool, sinking air which will produce a boundary that could trigger more storm development as it moves into the warm, moist air in Mid-Missouri by Thursday morning.

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Nixon vetoes Medicaid fees

Governor Jay Nixon has turned down a bill that would allow Missouri doctors to charge Medicaid patients fees for missing appointments without notice. Nixon vetoed Senate Bill 608 Tuesday, claiming it, “would needlessly punish our state’s most vulnerable citizens without improving access to care.” The measure was sent to Nixon in May. It said Medicaid

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Slight Severe Risk on Wednesday

A complex of storms this morning across eastern Kansas will work it’s way into western Mid-Missouri near the counties of HWY 65 between 9AM and 11AM. Areas south of HWY 50 could see storms produce damaging winds and large hail this morning. Ingredients for severe weather will likely weaken late morning while another round will

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