Local health department discuss vaccine incentives, as vaccinations trend downwards
Nationwide, according to the CDC's website, 50.8% of Americans have received at least one dose with 41% being fully vaccinated.
In Missouri, 41.9% of the population has initiated vaccination, with 34.9% completing the process.
Missouri's COVID-19 dashboard reported a 7-day average of just 7,723 vaccinations per day, down for the 14th day in a row in the state.
With vaccination efforts statewide trending downwards, many local health departments are looking at other states implementing vaccine incentives.
Chezney Shulte, communicable disease coordinator with the Cole County Health Department, said the department has discussed vaccine incentives in response to nationwide news but is not interested in implementing them in Cole County.
Shulte said she would be concerned incentivizing vaccines would have the opposite effect on those not yet vaccinated, only furthering their distrust or fear of the vaccine.
"We'd like to rather address issues of vaccine uncertainty at the root of that, which would be possibly uncertainty in the approval process or uncertainty in the effectiveness." Shulte said, "also vaccine availability, making it as available to the community as possible."
Shulte said she'd like the department to break vaccine barriers through methods such as those, as opposed to offering incentives or money to vaccinated residents.
The coordinator said it's important to know where to turn for your information regarding the vaccine and suggested everyone speak with their primary care physician to determine if the vaccine is right for each person.