Steve Martin has ‘Good news/Bad news’ about getting vaccinated

Steve Martin is apparently a half full-half empty kind of guy.
The comedic actor tweeted Sunday about receiving a dose of the Covid-19 vaccine and displayed his tendency toward the middle ground.
Martin started out by writing “Good news/Bad news.”
“Good news: I just got vaccinated!” he wrote. “Bad news: I got it because I’m 75. Ha!”
“The Jerk” star went on to say, “The operation in NYC was smooth as silk” and “hosted to perfection by the US Army and National Guard.”
He thanked everyone, including science.
Martin later answered a follower’s question about how he secured the shot.
“I signed up ON line through an NYC dot gov website (sorry I don’t have the exact site), and waited IN line at the Javits Center,” he tweeted.