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Skelton bows out of State Senate race

COLUMBIA Mo. (KMIZ) Democrat Michela Skelton announced Friday that she will no longer seek to represent Missouri’s 19th Senate District. The Columbia attorney originally announced her candidacy August 22. The 19th Senate District seat is currently filled by Republican Sen. Caleb Rowden, who serves as the chamber’s majority floor leader.

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State approves medical marijuana testing labs in Fayette, Kingdom City

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (KMIZ) The state health department approved business licenses for two mid-Missouri facilities to test medical marijuana products. The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services offered licenses to ClearWater Sciences, LLC of Kingdom City and Inovatia AgriTesting Services of Fayette. They make up two of the ten facilities offered business licenses to

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New Jersey governor says Democrat-turned-Republican is putting ‘politics over the Constitution’

New Jersey Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy on Monday slammed Rep. Jeff Van Drew for “putting politics over the Constitution” after sources said the congressman will switch to the Republican Party. “He’s putting politics over the Constitution, he’s putting cuteness over courage, and he’s cutting and running,” Murphy told CNN’s Dana Bash on “Right Now.” “He

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