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Biden’s secretary of state pick vows to appoint LGBTI envoy and allow embassies to fly pride flag

Antony Blinken, President-elect Joe Biden’s pick to lead the State Department, said Tuesday that he plans to swiftly appoint an LGBTI envoy, allow embassies to fly the pride flag and formally repudiate the findings of the controversial “Commission on Unalienable Rights.” Taken together, Blinken’s comments during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

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Sen. Hawley blocks quick consideration of Biden’s Homeland Security nominee

Sen. Josh Hawley blocked quick consideration of President-elect Joe Biden’s Homeland Security nominee, Alejandro Mayorkas, on Tuesday, leaving the third-largest federal department without confirmed leadership as it faces national security concerns, a pandemic and an incoming president prepared to roll out ambitious immigration plans. The Missouri Republican’s decision stemmed from an exchange with Mayorkas hours

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Biden’s defense secretary pick pledges to uphold ‘principle of civilian control of the military’

President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee for defense secretary, retired Gen. Lloyd Austin, pledged on Tuesday that he will “uphold the principle of civilian control of the military” if confirmed to the post. The vow comes as Austin must overcome objections from some lawmakers about allowing a recently retired general to assume the top civilian post at

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Members of extremist Oath Keepers group planned attack on US Capitol, prosecutors say

Prosecutors on Tuesday filed the first significant conspiracy charge in the US Capitol attack, alleging that three members of the so-called Oath Keepers, an extremist militant group, planned and coordinated ahead of the January 6 assault. In an amended complaint unsealed Tuesday in federal court, an FBI agent divulged striking new details about the group’s

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Biden’s State Department pick reaches out for GOP allies as he promises policy shifts

Antony Blinken, President-elect Joe Biden’s pick to lead the State Department, indicated to Congress Tuesday that he plans to emphatically redirect the trajectory of US foreign policy after four years of the Trump administration, rebuilding and reengaging alliances to confront transnational threats ranging from Russia and North Korea to climate change. Blinken made especially clear

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Biden’s daughter Ashley on not having traditional hand-off at White House on Inauguration Day: ‘I think we’re all OK with it’

President-elect Joe Biden‘s daughter, Ashley Biden, did her first network television interview with another member of the small club of presidential children, Jenna Bush Hager of NBC. In an interview that aired Tuesday, Ashley Biden said her mother, incoming first lady Jill Biden, has not heard from first lady Melania Trump about any kind of

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