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National Politics

Senate trims weekly unemployment benefits boost but adds a month of payments in stimulus bill

Jobless Americans will get a smaller weekly boost to unemployment benefits but will receive those payments for an additional month under a last-minute revision of the Senate’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package on Friday. The bill, which now differs from the House version passed last week, calls for providing a $300 a week federal enhancement

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CNN analysis: Georgia’s proposed weekend voting restrictions would strike at Black voters

Black Georgians disproportionately cast their ballots on the weekend days that Republican lawmakers want to eliminate as options in future elections, according to a CNN analysis of voting data from last November’s general election. A measure moving swiftly through the Georgia legislature would reduce the number of weekend days available for in-person early voting and

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Texas Gov. Abbott stalled federal offer to test migrants then blamed them for spreading Covid

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is stalling efforts by the Biden administration to provide federal funds for Covid-19 tests for migrants released from custody, a senior Homeland Security official tells CNN. After relaxing state Covid restrictions this week, Abbott alleged, without evidence, that migrants coming into Texas are exposing the state’s residents to the coronavirus. “The

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House impeachment manager Eric Swalwell sues Trump and close allies over Capitol riot in second major insurrection lawsuit

Former House impeachment manager Eric Swalwell has sued former President Donald Trump, his son Donald Trump Jr., Rudy Giuliani and Republican Rep. Mo Brooks in a second major lawsuit seeking to hold Trump and his allies accountable for inciting the insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6. The new lawsuit filed on Friday by

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With Congress poised to give states and local governments $350 billion, pandemic budget hit for many was smaller than predicted

When the coronavirus pandemic was declared nearly a year ago, the future for state and local government finances looked grim. Millions of people had lost their jobs, the stock market tanked and governors ordered nonessential businesses to close — all of which threatened to pummel many of the tax revenue streams states and municipalities rely

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Organization founded by LeBron James and other Black athletes turns focus to fighting GOP-backed bills restricting voter access

The political organization founded by NBA superstar LeBron James and a host of other Black athletes and artists will kick off its post-2020 work with a focus on the wave of Republican-backed legislation aimed at restricting voter access in the wake of the latest presidential election. More Than A Vote will use the 2021 NBA

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Ronny Jackson under Obama and Trump: From ‘tremendous asset’ to ‘tyrant’

An inspector general report detailing allegations of “sexual and denigrating” comments made by former White House physician Rep. Ronny Jackson, along with accounts of drinking and taking prescription sleep aids on the job while overseas, come after a lengthy tenure across three administrations. The Texas Republican’s role in the White House orbit evolved over time,

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The most important exception the Senate can make

Senators who vehemently defend the Senate’s 60-vote threshold for legislation are nonetheless about to accept a simple majority of 51 votes when they decide on the Covid-19 relief bill currently being debated. That paradox is made possible through an exception to the filibuster for fiscal measures known as “reconciliation.” It’s time to craft another exception.

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