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National Politics

White House names Erika Moritsugu as Asian American and Pacific Islander liaison

President Joe Biden on Wednesday named Erika Moritsugu to a senior-level Asian American and Pacific Islander liaison position, the White House announced in a statement. Moritsugu, whose official title will be deputy assistant to the President and Asian American and Pacific Islander senior liaison, “will bring her experience and expertise to the Biden-Harris Administration where

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Effort to include Republicans on infrastructure plan falling flat on Capitol Hill

The prospects for any bipartisan deal on infrastructures are swiftly narrowing on Capitol Hill, where Republicans view President Joe Biden’s sweeping definition of infrastructure as a nonstarter and Democrats have the legislative tools to pass a bill without a single Republican vote. Despite overtures from the White House to invite Republicans to the Oval Office

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US and other NATO members pledge support to Ukraine while walking fine line with Russia

The entire 30-member NATO alliance was united in its concern about the massive buildup of Russian forces near Crimea and along Ukraine’s borders, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in Brussels, Belgium, on Wednesday. “What was striking today was every single ally expressed the same concerns,” said Blinken, speaking alongside US Defense Secretary Lloyd

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White House expected to name Erika Moritsugu as Asian American and Pacific Islander liaison

The White House is expected to name Erika Moritsugu to a senior-level Asian American and Pacific Islander liaison position, two sources familiar with the decision said Wedesday. The expected announcement comes less than a month after the White House committed to naming a senior-level AAPI liaison following pressure from Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois and

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Federal judge rules private land on border can be seized for the wall, despite Biden’s construction halt

The federal government can take “immediate possession” of a Texas family’s land along the US-Mexico border after a years-long court battle, a federal judge has ruled — a move at odds with President Joe Biden’s pledge to halt wall construction. Tuesday’s ruling from Judge Micaela Alvarez of the Texas Southern District Court was a blow

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US intel chief says spy agencies still do not know ‘where, when or how’ Covid-19 was initially transmitted

US intelligence agencies still do not know “exactly where, when or how Covid-19 virus was transmitted initially” in China but remain focused on two primary theories, that “it emerged naturally from human contact with infected animals or it was a laboratory accident,” the nation’s top spy told Senate lawmakers on Wednesday. That admission from Director

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DOJ nominee Kristen Clarke defends record to senators as supporters say civil rights chief is badly needed

Kristen Clarke, President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, defended her record against some skeptical senators during her confirmation hearing on Wednesday as a groundswell of supporters says there’s an urgency for Clarke to take office and lead the team of federal prosecutors to address recent allegations of unconstitutional acts

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Justice Democrats-backed activist Rana Abdelhamid challenges Rep. Carolyn Maloney in New York

Activist and nonprofit founder Rana Abdelhamid on Wednesday launched a Democratic primary challenge to Rep. Carolyn Maloney in New York’s 12th congressional district, marking the third straight election in which Maloney, who has been in Congress since 1993, will face intense opposition from party progressives. This time, though, the field will include a candidate with

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