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National Politics

Supreme Court ruling will make it easier to sentence juveniles to life sentence without parole

The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the sentence of life without parole for a juvenile offender in a 6-3 decision, rejecting arguments that such sentences should have additional limits. Justice Brett Kavanaugh penned the decision for his conservative colleagues, holding that a sentencer will not have to make a separate finding that the juvenile offender

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US Capitol Police officer allegedly told units to only monitor for ‘anti-Trump’ protesters on January 6

A US Capitol Police officer directed “all outside units” on the morning of January 6 to only monitor for anti-Trump agitators “who want to start a fight,” not any “pro-Trump in the crowd,” according to the findings of a newly revealed internal investigation. Rep. Zoe Lofgren described the radio broadcast, the existence of which was

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Federal officials weigh extending mask mandate for mass transportation

Federal officials are currently considering whether to renew the transportation mask requirement that expires next month, an official familiar with the discussions told CNN. The early February order from the Transportation Security Administration applies to airplanes, buses, trains and ferries, and transportation hubs like airports. The agency is currently consulting with health experts, said the

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Infrastructure negotiations: Republicans unveil $600 billion framework as Democrats try to iron out issues

The real work of finalizing an infrastructure package that can have widespread Democratic support on Capitol Hill is just beginning as the party must reckon with key differences between progressives and moderates on the scope and cost of the package — as well as GOP lawmakers offering their own alternative. While progressives are losing patience

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READ: Senate Republicans’ infrastructure plan

Republican senators unveiled a framework for their infrastructure proposal, which totals just under $600 billion. It includes money directed at traditional infrastructure including roads, bridges, ports and broadband. The plan is far narrower than President Joe Biden’s roughly $2 trillion proposal. Read the proposal here:

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Trump administration hampered investigation into delayed Puerto Rico hurricane relief, government watchdog finds

An investigation into the Trump administration’s delayed hurricane relief aid for Puerto Rico was stymied by a series of roadblocks in obtaining information and testimony, according to findings by a federal watchdog released Thursday. In a new report, the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Inspector General explained that its review into the

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Buttigieg says climate summit an opportunity for US to regain moral leadership on crisis

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg argued on Thursday that President Joe Biden’s goal to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions is vital to reasserting US leadership in fighting the climate crisis. “We’re looking for other countries to make big commitments as well, but we can’t do that with a straight face if America isn’t leading the way,

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What’s Val Demings’ next move?

Within minutes of Florida Rep. Val Demings’ (D) angry confrontation with Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan (R) on Tuesday, it was clear she had struck a chord with Democrats. Footage of Demings’ showdown — in which she scolded Jordan, one of former President Donald Trump’s most loyal allies, for politicizing a vote on hate crimes against

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