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Medical marijuana facility zoning continues in Jefferson City

The Jefferson City Council will hold a public hearing about medical marijuana testing and transportation facility zoning regulations at Monday evening’s council meeting. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved zoning regulations for testing and treatment facilities in C-2 zoning districts as a permitted use in September. Medical marijuana facilities cannot be within 1,000 feet of

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Parson’s campaign manager to be questioned in abortion case

Gov. Mike Parson’s campaign manager will be questioned by lawyers representing Planned Parenthood about his involvement in a decision to deny a new license to Missouri’s only abortion provider. An administrative hearing commissioner ruled last week that attorneys can question Steele Shippy, who was Parson’s spokesman before becoming his campaign manager. The Kansas City Star

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U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley

Hawley: Federal government should continue oversight of Confucius Institute agreements

U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley said federal agencies, including the Senate, should continue overseeing agreements between U.S. schools and a Chinese education group. Hawley (R-Missouri) told ABC 17 News on Tuesday that he still has concerns about the University of Missouri’s partnership with the Confucius Institute, a subsidiary of China’s Ministry of Education. The University of

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