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Gov. Jay Nixon continues push for Medicaid

Gov. Jay Nixon wants to know what modifications to Missouri’s Medicaid system may be acceptable to federal health care officials. Nixon talked over the phone Tuesday with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about a potential Medicaid expansion. Specifically, Nixon wanted to know how much flexibility Missouri has to make market-based changes or require

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University of Missouri researchers announce alternative seasonal allergy medicine

On Tuesday,University of Missouri researchersannounced analternative medicine for allergy relief. The new allergy drop is another form ofrelief,instead of usingover-the-counterdrugs or weekly allergy shots. Each prescription is tailored to eachpatient’sparticular allergy. New research shows the allergy drop is an effective alternative to relieve itchy eyes, sneezing and runny noses, while also being more convenient. Patients

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Burglaries in Columbia increase during spring break

The number of burglaries in Columbia increased during the week many went on Spring Break when compared to lastyear’snumbers. Thepolicedepartment released those numbers Monday. Twenty-five homes and businesses were broken into during the12-dayspan. On College Avenue, four houses in a row were burglarized. Twohomeownersson the 100blockof College Avenue “springbreak-proofed”their homes before leaving. They locked the

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Kings of the Court

(AP) – Luke Hancock made all five of his 3-pointers and led Louisville to its first NCAA men’s basketball championship since 1986 with a 82-76 victory over Michigan on Monday night. Coach Rick Pitino added this title to the one he won at Kentucky in 1996 and is the first coach to win a championship

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