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Lebanon Fast Facts

Here is a look at Lebanon, a Middle Eastern country bordering Syria, Israel and the Mediterranean Sea. About Lebanon (from the CIA World Factbook)Area: 10,400 sq km (slightly larger than Connecticut) Population: 5,261,372 (July 2021 est.) Median age: 33.7 years Capital: Beirut Ethnic groups: Arab 95%, Armenian 4%, other 1% Religion: Muslim 61.1%, Christian 33.7%,

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Uganda security forces withdraw from Bobi Wine’s home ending 11 days of house arrest

Security forces have withdrawn from Ugandan presidential candidate Bobi Wine’s residence after he spent 11 days under house arrest, his lawyer told CNN on Tuesday. “They are now leaving, we hope this doesn’t change later today,” George Musisi said. The Ugandan High Court ordered security forces to end Wine’s house arrest on Monday. Justice Michael

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A judge has approved a $17 million settlement plan for sexual misconduct victims of Harvey Weinstein

A US bankruptcy judge has approved a Weinstein Company liquidation plan that allocates over $17 million for Harvey Weinstein’s sexual harassment and assault victims, an attorney for the Weinstein Company confirmed to CNN Monday. “It is true that Judge (Mary) Walrath approved the settlement plan at a hearing today,” Attorney Paul Zumbro said, adding that

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