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CNN – Asia/Pacific

Chinese President Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping only wants the most devoted Chinese Communist Party members. His tough membership rules could backfire

By Julia Hollingsworth, Nectar Gan and CNN staff, CNN In a meeting room decorated with a stylized hammer and sickle flag, Kelly Hu detailed her shortcomings. Since childhood, the 20-year-old student had wanted to join the longest-running and largest communist party in the world, having grown up hearing “red tales” of its revolutionary past from

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Canada's Margaret Macneil won the gold medal in the women's 100-meter butterfly at the Tokyo Olympics.

Canadian swimmer’s success throws spotlight on China’s one-child policy

By Nectar Gan and Steve George, CNN A gold medal-winning Canadian swimmer has made waves in China for her Chinese heritage, sparking heated discussions over the country’s decades-long one-child policy and gender discrimination. Margaret MacNeil shot to international fame Monday after winning the women’s 100-meter butterfly at the Tokyo Olympics, setting an Americas continental record

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People queue up to register themselves and get inoculated with the Covid-19 coronavirus vaccine at a temporary vaccination centre in Thimpu on July 20.

Tiny Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan vaccinates 90% of its population, becoming a beacon of hope for a region struggling with Covid

By Helen Regan, CNN Bhutan has fully vaccinated 90% of its eligible adult population in a week with Covid-19 shots, a feat that has been described as a “success story” and a “beacon of hope” for other countries in the region, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said Tuesday. The tiny South Asian kingdom of 770,00

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A protester tries to push away a police horse in Sydney on July 24

Sydney Covid cases expected to rise after anti-lockdown protest as two charged for allegedly hitting police horse

By Helen Regan, CNN Two men have been charged with animal cruelty for allegedly striking a police horse during anti-lockdown protests in Sydney, Australia on Saturday, police said, as daily Covid-19 cases in New South Wales state continue to rise. Thousands of people breached coronavirus measures and marched through the center of Australia’s biggest city

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