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Records allege misconduct by Maries County Sheriff; Heitman calls claims ‘lies’

COLUMBIA, Mo. (KMIZ) A Maries County judge ordered the release of criminal investigation records that allege Sheriff Chris Heitman intimidated witnesses, falsified written statements and misappropriated funds for personal use. Heitman maintains that he has done nothing wrong and claims the allegations are a result of “lies and corruption.”  On Monday, Judge Brenden Fox issued

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Boone County Commission approves guidelines for $14.7 million Rural Gravel Road Paving Program

COLUMBIA, Mo. (KMIZ) The Boone County Commission on Tuesday approved guidelines for the Boone County Rural Gravel Road Paving Program, according to a Tuesday press release. The program uses a data-driven approach to identify, prepare and paving existing county-maintained gravel roads in rural areas “that create a maintenance burden for the Boone County Road and

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New technology purchase could help Columbia police speed up gun-identification process

COLUMBIA, Mo. (KMIZ) The Columbia Police Department is hopeful the purchase of gun identification technology will help police be more effective in solving violent crimes in the city. CPD is requesting $208,934 in seized money to buy gun identification technology. The request was presented during Monday night’s City Council meeting. According to Assistant Chief Lance

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