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Boone County Community Against Violence

Budding Columbia non-profit against violence aims to bridge the gap between the community and police

COLUMBIA, Mo. (KMIZ) After 31 reported shootings causing 12 deaths in Columbia during 2019, a new non-profit is hoping to curb the violence. Boone County Community Against Violence held its second meeting Sunday. The founder, Shaunda Hamilton, became of a victim after losing her daughter Nadria Wright to gun violence in September. Hamilton started the

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Iran Airstrike Protest

Columbia activist group protests U.S airstrike in Iran

COLUMBIA, Mo. (KMIZ) A Columbia based non-profit organized a last-minute demonstration for Saturday opposing a recent Iran airstrike ordered by President Donald Trump that killed an Iranian military leader. President Trump ordered the airstrike that killed Qasem Soleimani, who was the head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force unit. The strike also killed Abu

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