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Opinion: Ukraine is actually making progress against Russia

Opinion by Sébastien Roblin (CNN) — Having repeatedly snatched victories from the jaws of defeat in 2022, Ukraine’s forces made far slower progress over the summer in a counteroffensive to liberate southern Ukraine from Russia’s grip. By August, officials in Washington had begun leaking scathing complaints about Ukrainian battlefield performance, while Ukraine’s supporters blamed the West’s long delays in delivering heavy equipment for having bought Russia time to fortify its

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Opinion: ‘Elon Musk’ perpetuates this toxic myth about genius

Opinion by Nicole Hemmer (CNN) — For much of the past two decades, journalists, politicians and investors have lauded Elon Musk for his creations: PayPal’s seamless financial transactions, Tesla’s stylish electronic cars, SpaceX’s space-related strides. And while “his creations” deserved an asterisk — his businesses emerged through absorption of other people’s technologies, ideas and start-ups

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Biden impeachment saga creates a wild new political twist in an unprecedented election

CNN Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN (CNN) — By opening an impeachment investigation into President Joe Biden, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy unleashed an unpredictable and treacherous new political force into what is already the most abnormal election of modern times. McCarthy effectively set up partisan counterprogramming to the looming criminal trials of his patron, former

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Biden impeachment saga creates a wild new political twist in an unprecedented election

Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN (CNN) — By opening an impeachment investigation into President Joe Biden, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy unleashed an unpredictable and treacherous new political force into what is already the most abnormal election of modern times. McCarthy effectively set up partisan counterprogramming to the looming criminal trials of his patron, former President

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Opinion: The Biden impeachment inquiry is nothing more than a Trump vendetta

Opinion by Norman Eisen (CNN) — House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s announcement Tuesday of an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden’s purported involvement in his son Hunter’s business dealings is factually unfounded and legally baseless. That should be no surprise considering that a consistent proponent of this inquiry was former President Donald Trump. The twice-impeached ex-president

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Opinion: The US economy will likely enter a recession soon

Opinion by Dana Peterson and Erik Lundh (CNN) — While US economic growth has defied expectations this year, clouds are gathering on the horizon. The all-important US consumers have stood their ground and continued to spend, and most data underlines spending strength. But some emerging information suggests that consumers may eventually stumble, which could drive the US into a brief recession. To

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