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Opinion: America needs a paradigm shift in how we respond to extreme heat

Opinion by Mark Wolfe (CNN) — Summer starts Thursday, and record-breaking temperatures are already cascading across the United States. Triple-digit temperatures have hit the western states, with the Northeast, Midwest and Great Lakes regions expected to see extreme heat waves this week. Current US strategies for keeping families cool, including access to cooling centers — temporary shelters during heat waves — may have

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Jeff Bezos is facing a dilemma as ethical questions surrounding The Washington Post publisher grow louder

Analysis by Oliver Darcy, CNN New York (CNN) — Editor’s Note: A version of this article first appeared in the “Reliable Sources” newsletter. Sign up for the daily digest chronicling the evolving media landscape here. Jeff Bezos has a decision to make — and it is one that will determine the future course of one of the nation’s

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Opinion: Putin goes on the defensive

Opinion by Frida Ghitis (CNN) — Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea this week kicks up yet another gust in the recent swirl of diplomatic activity surrounding Russia’s all-out war against Ukraine. But unlike the dizzying number of summits of the past few weeks, this gathering of dictators in Pyongyang is meant to help

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Opinion: The credit reporting system shouldn’t punish Americans for getting sick

Opinion by Rohit Chopra (CNN) — Millions of Americans carry the burden of medical debt, which is a leading cause of bankruptcy. As Wall Street banks and private equity firms have expanded into the health care system, they’ve bought up physician practices, nursing homes and debt collection firms — raising prices and cutting corners. Too often, patients receive bills filled with hard-to-interpret codes

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Opinion: Don’t focus on bracing for a Trump win

Opinion by Dean Obeidallah (CNN) — The New York Times published an in-depth article Sunday describing how a broad network of Democratic officials, progressive activists and watchdog groups, among others, are “taking extraordinary steps to prepare for a potential second Trump presidency.” Examples included Washington Gov. Jay Inslee’s efforts to make his state a haven

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Opinion: The simple thing Supreme Court can’t agree on

Opinion by Richard Galant, CNN (CNN) — “What’s in a name?” Shakespeare’s Juliet is speaking on her balcony as the smitten Romeo hides below in an orchard. “That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet.” Romeo is from the Montague family, mortal enemies to Juliet’s own Capulets, but his name means nothing compared to her love for him. And yet naming is one

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