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CNN – Health

Federal health officials are investigating the possibility that Johnson & Johnson's coronavirus vaccine might slightly raise the risk of a rare neurological complication known as Guillain-Barré syndrome

FDA warns of potential rare neurological complication with Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine

By Amanda Sealy, John Bonifield and Maggie Fox, CNN The US Food and Drug Administration updated the label on Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine Monday to warn of the possible increased risk of a rare neurological complication known as Guillain-Barré syndrome. While the FDA said it had not established the vaccine could cause the syndrome,

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The emergency room at Cox Medical Center South in Springfield

States with low vaccination numbers had Covid-19 case rates last week 3 times higher than others where people are fully vaccinated

By Deidre McPhillips, Steve Almasy and Madeline Holcombe, CNN When you compare states with high vaccination rates to states that are lagging, the difference in the number of people getting Covid-19 is staggering. Over the past week, states that have fully vaccinated more than half of their residents have reported an average Covid-19 case rate

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The US has surpassed 20

With an uptick in Covid-19 cases, there is growing alarm. ‘We’ve seen almost an entire takeover in the Delta variant,’ one state official says

By Aya Elamroussi, CNN The US has surpassed 20,000 new Covid-19 cases for the fourth day in a row as the highly contagious Delta variant persists in its track in being the most common form of the coronavirus in the country. The last time the country had back-to-back days of cases topping 20,000 was in

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Jessamyn Stanley encourages us to "open the door" to the messy parts of lives instead of trying to ignore them.

The yoga of everyday life: Jessamyn Stanley on nourishing the spiritual and physical body

By Jessica DuLong, CNN Jessamyn Stanley’s new book, “Yoke,” begins with a spiritual awakening prompted by a typo. A late-night email alerted Stanley to a misspelling printed in her first book, “Every Body Yoga” She’d mistakenly defined the Sanskrit word for yoga as meaning to “yolk” instead of “yoke.” Instead of summoning images of joining

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