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CNN – Health

A nurse prepares a dose of a Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine in Chicago.

Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine is 73.6% effective, according to new real-world study

By John Bonifield, CNN Data from a real-world study assessing Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine finds it is 73.6% effective, according to research published Tuesday in the journal JAMA Network Open. The study evaluated patients within the Mayo Clinic Health System between February and July of this year. The researchers followed nearly 9,000 patients vaccinated

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Britain's lawmakers wore masks in the House of Commons last week

Why the world is still arguing over face masks, 20 months into the pandemic

By Rob Picheta, CNN At the start of the pandemic, much of the Western world followed a similar playbook for tackling Covid-19. Spikes in transmission were met with lockdowns; international travel was heavily restricted; and though domestic constraints frequently proved controversial, hygiene measures like social distancing, hand-washing and mask-wearing were strongly encouraged — if not

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Britain's lawmakers wore masks in the House of Commons last week

Why the world is still arguing over face masks, 20 months into the pandemic

By Rob Picheta, CNN At the start of the pandemic, much of the Western world followed a similar playbook for tackling Covid-19. Spikes in transmission were met with lockdowns; international travel was heavily restricted; and though domestic constraints frequently proved controversial, hygiene measures like social distancing, hand-washing and mask-wearing were strongly encouraged — if not

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The United States' Covid-19 vaccination program for children ages 5 to 11 will "running at full strength" next week.

Covid-19 vaccine program for kids ‘will be running at full strength’ week of November 8, White House says

By Jacqueline Howard, CNN The United States’ Covid-19 vaccination program for children ages 5 to 11 will be “running at full strength” next week, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Jeff Zients said during a virtual White House briefing Monday. “While vaccinations may start later this week, the program will still be ramping up to its

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Wearing a face mask on Halloween can limit the spread of Covid-19.

Here’s what you need to know to have a safe Halloween

By Megan Marples, CNN “Trick or treat!” Those words will be echoing in neighborhoods across the country as children go door-to-door in search of delicious treats this Halloween. Going trick-or-treating outdoors is a low-risk activity, according to CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen. Families should assess if they are comfortable going to higher-risk indoor activities,

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The US Food and Drug Administration issued emergency use authorization on Friday for Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine for children 5 to 11.

Pediatricians say some parents are eager to vaccinate their kids, with others asking questions as child-size doses of Covid-19 vaccine are shipped out

By Jacqueline Howard, CNN Many pediatricians have already placed their orders for child-sized doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine and are anxiously awaiting their shipments of shots. And parents are coming at them with a lot of questions: When can my child come in to get their vaccine? And what are the side effects? But

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