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CNN – Health

The World Health Organization on Wednesday called for nations to consider the benefits of vaccinating children and adolescents against Covid-19.

WHO urges countries to consider the benefits of vaccinating children against Covid-19, but prioritize sharing shots globally first

By Naomi Thomas and Jacqueline Howard, CNN In a new interim statement, the World Health Organization on Wednesday called for nations to consider the benefits of vaccinating children and adolescents against Covid-19 — but to prioritize sharing vaccines globally before proceeding to vaccinate children. “Countries should consider the individual and population benefits of immunising children

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The World Health Organization on Wednesday called for nations to consider the benefits of vaccinating children and adolescents against Covid-19.

WHO urges countries to consider the benefits of vaccinating children against Covid-19, but prioritize sharing shots globally first

By Naomi Thomas and Jacqueline Howard, CNN In a new interim statement, the World Health Organization on Wednesday called for nations to consider the benefits of vaccinating children and adolescents against Covid-19 — but to prioritize sharing vaccines globally before proceeding to vaccinate children. “Countries should consider the individual and population benefits of immunising children

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Cooking the perfect turkey for Thanksgiving became a whole lot easier with these tips from a Turkey Talk-Line specialist.

Got turkey troubles? A hotline expert shares tips for a better turkey and common mistakes to avoid

By Megan Marples, CNN Whether it’s your first time cooking a turkey or you are a poultry aficionado, mishaps can happen in the kitchen, especially at the 11th hour. That’s where Butterball’s Turkey Talk-Line comes in. For the past 40 years during the holidays, these hotline experts have been available to help people troubleshoot their

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Thursday marks the second Thanksgiving during the coronavirus pandemic.

To avoid Covid, here are four questions to ask family and friends ahead of Thanksgiving gatherings

By Jacqueline Howard, CNN Thursday marks the second Thanksgiving during the coronavirus pandemic. Many grandparents are excitedly planning to see their grandchildren. Friends are dressing their dining tables for turkey and loved ones. Some people have flights booked or road trips scheduled. But in the background, Covid-19 case numbers are inching upward across the United

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It's important to include your children in holiday activities.

Holidays are most exhausting for moms. Here’s how to address that

By Elissa Strauss, CNN The internal ticker tape starts around two weeks before Thanksgiving. That’s when moms and other caregivers, though mostly moms, turn over a portion of their brains to the long and constantly evolving holiday to-do list. Groceries; invitations; Google best potatoes for mashing; Great Aunt Shirley’s lactose intolerance; presents list; holiday decorations;

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It's important to include your children in holiday activities.

Holidays are most exhausting for moms. Here’s how to address that

By Elissa Strauss, CNN The internal ticker tape starts around two weeks before Thanksgiving. That’s when moms and other caregivers, though mostly moms, turn over a portion of their brains to the long and constantly evolving holiday to-do list. Groceries; invitations; Google best potatoes for mashing; Great Aunt Shirley’s lactose intolerance; presents list; holiday decorations;

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Boost your mood with this 5-day gratitude challenge

By Dana Santas, CNN One-time efforts to celebrate gratitude, like Thanksgiving, undeniably make us feel good. Practicing gratitude can increase feelings of happiness and life satisfaction while decreasing depressive symptoms, many studies have shown. To keep experiencing gratitude’s mood-boosting benefits, you should make practicing thankfulness a consistent part of your daily life. That said, you

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