Karl Sanford
karl@adept.liTest Video Post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pellentesque metus nibh. Morbi quis justo fringilla tortor gravida posuere. Morbi euismod ullamcorper nisi, in interdum leo eleifend a. Sed a lacus at urna tempus molestie. Pellentesque dictum libero in tristique varius. Pellentesque efficitur viverra pharetra. Aliquam feugiat faucibus nisl eget maximus. Integer venenatis, ipsum vitae
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Big Game 2020 Trivia Quiz
Big Game 2020: Kansas City & San Francisco Big Game History
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Your 2019 guide to earth-friendly holiday gifting
(BPT) – Each year, many people count down the days to the holiday season and save their money for festive decorations and gift giving. In fact, the average American will spend over $1,000 on holiday gifts, according to the National Retail Federation. But before you start checking gifts off your list, consider going green this year.
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Take a Selfie with Jeff the Elf and Win!
Submit your Selfie with Jeff the Elf at any one of our sponsor’s locations! Win cash and prizes! Enter as many times as you like!
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