Rep. Hartzler helps introduce bill to aid victims of sex trafficking restart their lives
Rep. Vicky Hartzler and other state representatives introduced a legislation on Wednesday to expand the eligible grant funding for victims of sex trafficking.
The legislation would help victims have a safe place to heal, recover and restart their lives.
The Housing for Survivors of Sex Trafficking expands the Transitional Housing Assistance Grant to include sex trafficking.
“The Housing for Survivors of Sex Trafficking Act provides housing for sex trafficking victims at a crucial time when they are trying to reclaim their hopes, dreams and futures,” Hartzler said. “Whe I heard the stories of each of these sex trafficking victims, and I saw that they are all over our country and even here in Missouri, I knew that we must do something to help. I’m proud to introduce this bill so that these women can get the support they need and know that the American people are standing with them.”
The representatives believe there are very few resources to help provide assistance for housing and healing.
The expansion would help the victims find safety and begin a new life free from the violence of the past.