Trash, Buses Canceled Tuesday
Officials are warning car owners they will pay for towing if they leave vehicles in the road. They are urging anyone who does not have a car ready for the snow to stay at home.Crews are also not collecting trash Tuesday. Services will be delayed by a day for the rest of the week. The ARC will be closed and buses will not run Tuesday, including all campus shuttles.Some important numbers: For non-injury accidents, Boone County/Columbia’s 911 non-emergency number is (573) 442-6131.To report snow removing issues, call (573) 874-6280 (temporarily staffed around the clock)If you call for a tow, ask for a price up-front. If you think you are being price gouged, call the Missouri Attorney General’s hotline at (800) 392-8222. Columbia is preparing with a full staff Monday ahead of the next winter storm. They reached 90% of the roads by the weekend, but cars are still blocking some residential streets. The city has roughly 1,100 cul-de-sacs.MoDOT has crews working all night Sunday and until the new storm is over.