Southern Boone Middle School student taken to hospital after hit by vehicle

An 11-year-old boy was hit by a vehicle on Wednesday morning outside Southern Boone Primary School.
Superintendent Tim Roth said in a letter to parents that a middle school student was hit by a vehicle in front of the primary school on Wednesday morning.
Roth said in the email the student was taken to a local hospital for minor injuries.
"We are deeply grateful for the prompt and professional response of first responders, including emergency medical personnel and the Ashland Police Department, as well as the quick actions of our building administrators, school nurse and parents who stopped to help ensure the safety of the injured student and facilitated support during this situation," Roth said in the email to parents.
Ashland Police told ABC 17 that they have no reason to think the driver did anything illegal or reckless according to preliminary information.
Boone County Joint Communication sent an alert at 7:41 a.m. for a report of a crash at the intersection of S. Henry Clay Blvd and E Liberty Lane in Ashland.