In2Action receives over a million dollars in federal money
Non-profit organization In2Action invited the public to a cookout open house to celebrate receiving over $1 million from the American Rescue Plan Act.
In2Action provides transition services and residential transition services to people when they're released from prison.
According to Wise Voter, Missouri has a recidivism rate of 37.2%, with over 17,000 people in prison. Each year, at least 128,000 different people are arrested and submitted to local jails in Missouri, according to the Prison Policy Initiative.
"For so many people, it's a revolving door. So we need to stop that revolving door and get them the resources they need so they can become contributing members to our community," said Northern District Commissioner Janet Thompson.
In2Action plans on using all funds for respite care, a temporary home for people to find care in case of a relapse.
The other half of the funds will go to buying a new building for its Re-entry Opportunity Center, also known as the ROCK, which provides transitional services for people re-entering the community.
"We got out eyes on some things. We're going to be able to pull the trigger as soon as we find the appropriate building. The respite house. On the other hand, we're probably looking at a spring launch on that," said Executive Director of In2Action Dan Hanneken.
In addition to the $1.2 million from the Boone County ARPA funds, In2Action received $100,000 from Veterans United and has a pending proposal from the city of Columbia.