Harrisburg schools start date pushed back one week
The Harrisburg R-8 School District announced Tuesday on its social media that its school year has been delayed a week.
The district stated the start dates have been pushed back due to unexpected construction delays at the elementary and middle schools.
“However, the safety of our students is our top priority, and we did not feel that it was safe to send students to school next week,” the post states.
The post states the first day of school will be Tuesday, Aug. 29.
Superintendent Steve Combs told ABC 17 News that the end of the school year will also be pushed back a week. An updated school calendar will be sent out once it becomes approved by the school board, according to the post.
Vo-Tech students will still start Tuesday, Aug. 22, while preschool begins Wednesday, Aug. 30. The district’s open house will be held 6-7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 28, in all buildings.
The post also states there will not be an all-athletic parent meeting, but each sport will have its own individual parent meeting. The coach of each sport will determine a date for their respective meeting, the post reads.