Columbia’s Minchew exploring run for state Senate

A Columbia businessman and experienced political campaigner said Monday that he's exploring whether he's the person to keep Boone County's state Senate seat in Republican hands
Randy Minchew formed a committee last week to explore a 2024 run for the 19th Senate District, which covers Boone County. The district used to include Cooper County but the boundaries changed during the last round of redistricting.
Minchew said Monday that means demographics have shifted toward Democrats. He fears that the county will lose clout if the minority party represents Boone County in the Senate.
"Somebody’s got to be there for people to listen to," Minchew said of Republican representation in the seat.
Minchew is a familiar face to Columbia voters -- he has run for mayor and city council and lost each time. But Minchew said Monday that those races showed him he could get votes from Democrats as well as Republicans.
The only other person to file paperwork in the 19th Senate District is Stephen Webber, a Democrat and former House member from Boone County.
Senate President Pro Tem Caleb Rowden currently represents the district. Another Republican, Kurt Schaefer, held the seat before that. Rowden will be term-limited out in 2024.