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Month: May 2024

Russia is capturing its biggest swath of territory since July 2022, as Kyiv desperately awaits US weaponry

Analysis by Nick Paton Walsh, Andrew Carey, Victoria Butenko, Yulia Kesaieva and Olga Voitovych (CNN) — The five-month wait before US Congress approved $61 billion in military aid to Ukraine may have caused lasting damage that will be felt on the frontlines for months to come. Russian forces have used the “artillery drought” hampering Ukraine’s defenses

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Opinion: I’m a 16-year-old high school student. This is why young journalists matter.

Opinion by Quinn Mitchell (CNN) — I live in a New England community where town hall meetings foster open dialogue — anyone can openly participate and inquire into public issues. If answers aren’t satisfactory, the audience can ask more questions. Yet I’ve watched presidential candidates dodge and weave through straightforward questions with answers that never

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¿Qué significaría que la marihuana sea considerada droga de bajo riesgo en EE.UU?

Sol Amaya (CNN) — El Departamento de Justicia planea reclasificar la marihuana como sustancia controlada de la Lista III, una clasificación compartida por medicamentos recetados como la ketamina y el Tylenol con codeína, según informó a CNN una fuente con conocimiento de los planes. ¿Qué significaría esta reclasificación? En EE.UU., la marihuana lleva 50 años

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