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Month: May 2024

Former Google workers fired for protesting Israel deal file complaint claiming protected speech

By Clare Duffy, CNN New York (CNN) — Dozens of former Google workers filed a complaint with the US National Labor Relations Board on Tuesday after they were fired or placed on administrative leave last month for protesting the company’s cloud-computing contract with Israel’s government. The complaint accuses Google of retaliating against the workers for

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‘There’s no coming back from murder’: Nashville debates pretrial bond and reoffenders

By Kelsey Gibbs Click here for updates on this story     NASHVILLE, Tennessee (WTVF) — In the past year, the Metro Nashville Police Department has made significant strides in addressing violent crimes with over 3,000 arrests recorded. However, a troubling trend has emerged, as 16% of these individuals have been rearrested while out on bond, sparking

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Nonstop Mideast coverage of Israel-Hamas war pauses for protests and police action at US schools

By JON GAMBRELL Associated Press JERUSALEM (AP) — After weeks of nonstop coverage of destruction and death in the Gaza Strip, media across the wider Middle East have latched onto the demonstrations roiling American university campuses over the Israel-Hamas war. For some, the protests and what they described as a heavy-handed police crackdown on them

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Encuesta CNN | La mayoría de los estadounidenses aún se opone a la revocación de Roe, pero no hay unanimidad sobre legislación del aborto

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — Casi dos años después de la decisión de la Corte Suprema que revocó el caso Roe vs. Wade, los estadounidenses siguen oponiéndose ampliamente a la sentencia, según una nueva encuesta de CNN realizada por SSRS. Pero en medio de una campaña presidencial en la que los principales candidatos ofrecen enfoques muy

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A survivor of a notorious crime is working to save Woodlawn Celestial Gardens cemetery.

How a survivor of a notorious crime is working to save one of LA’s most storied cemeteries

By Web staff Click here for updates on this story     COMPTON, California (KCAL) — Broken gates, shattered headstones and desecrated grave sites are just the most recent troubles at Compton’s storied cemetery, Woodlawn Celestial Gardens. “It’s a huge historical landmark,” Compton City Councilman Jonathan Bowers said. “A lot of American history laid to rest here,

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