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Month: May 2024

“Una hambruna en toda regla” está ocurriendo en Gaza, dice el director ejecutivo del Programa Mundial de Alimentos

Sofía Barruti (CNN) — El norte de Gaza está experimentando una “hambruna en toda regla” que se está extendiendo rápidamente por toda Gaza después de casi siete meses de guerra, dijo el director ejecutivo del Programa Mundial de Alimentos. La terrible advertencia se produce mientras los negociadores se reúnen en El Cairo con la esperanza

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Police tactics at campus protests reveal disparities in approaches to public order and lessons learned post-George Floyd

By Emma Tucker, CNN (CNN) — As universities and colleges turn to police to clear their campuses of protests over Israel’s assault on Gaza that continue to ripple across the nation, the response by law enforcement is under heightened scrutiny after thousands were arrested since mid-April. Footage captured from the physical – and in some

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Columbia University’s encampment ended with a mass police operation. Here’s how some schools avoided that

By Ramishah Maruf, CNN New York (CNN) — After several days of protests, pro-Palestinian encampments on the campuses of Ivy League schools Columbia and Brown came down last week. But while the apparent end of Columbia’s pro-Palestinian encampments was marred by a takeover of a building, a mass arrest, and a widespread condemnation of the

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Trump dice que los demócratas están “dirigiendo una administración de la Gestapo” en el retiro anual del Comité Nacional Republicano

Sofía Barruti (CNN) — El expresidente Donald Trump intensificó sus ataques contra los demócratas este sábado en un almuerzo privado celebrado en su club Mar-a-Lago, durante el cual se refirió a los demócratas como “dirigiendo una administración de la Gestapo”, equiparando la administración del presidente Joe Biden con la Alemania nazi, según a tres asistentes.

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With a vest and a voice, helpers escort kids through San Francisco’s broken Tenderloin streets

By JANIE HAR Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Wearing a bright safety vest with the words “Safe Passage” on the back, Tatiana Alabsi strides through San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood to its only public elementary school, navigating broken bottles and stained sleeping bags along tired streets that occasionally reek of urine. Along the way in

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