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Month: April 2024

Dirigente de Morena dice que pidieron protección para Gisela Gaytán, candidata a la alcaldía de Celaya asesinada en Guanajuato

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — El secretario general de Morena, Mario Delgado, dijo este martes que, antes del ataque en el que fue asesinada su candidata a alcaldesa de Celaya, Guanajuato, Gisela Gaytán, habían solicitado al Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) y al gobierno estatal protección para varios de sus aspirantes. El dirigente del partido oficialista

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Wisconsin voters will approve election law changes championed by Republicans

By Fredreka Schouten, CNN (CNN) — Wisconsin voters will approve two election-related amendments to the state constitution, delivering a win for Republican lawmakers who have pushed to alter voting rules in this battleground state ahead of November’s presidential election. The vote to ban the use of private money in election administration marks a victory for conservative activists who have

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US government review faults Microsoft for ‘cascade’ of errors that allowed Chinese hackers to breach senior US officials’ emails

By Sean Lyngaas, CNN Washington (CNN) — Microsoft committed a “cascade” of “avoidable errors” that allowed Chinese hackers to breach the tech giant’s network and later the email accounts of senior US officials last year, including the secretary of commerce, a scathing US government-backed review of the incident has found. The hack “was preventable and

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Palestinians seek full UN membership again, but US is almost certain to block it for a second time

By EDITH M. LEDERER Associated Press UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Supporters of the Palestinians’ request for full membership in the United Nations asked the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday to revive their application for admission submitted in 2011. But the United States is again almost certain to block it. The supporters’ letter to the council

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Scathing federal report rips Microsoft for shoddy security, insincerity in response to Chinese hack

By FRANK BAJAK AP Technology Writer BOSTON (AP) — In a scathing indictment of Microsoft corporate security and transparency, a Biden administration-appointed review board issued a report Tuesday saying “a cascade of errors” by the tech giant let state-backed Chinese cyber operators break into email accounts of senior U.S. officials including Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.

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Localizan vivo a Adrián Guerrero, candidato a regidor de Morena, también víctima de ataque a candidata asesinada en Guanajuato

Valeria Ordóñez Ghio (CNN Español) — Adrián Guerrero, candidato a regidor de Celaya, Guanajuato, por el partido oficialista Morena, fue localizado en el estado sin reporte de lesiones y bajo seguridad federal, confirmaron a CNN dos fuentes de seguridad relacionadas con el caso. Las fuentes consultadas explicaron que, hasta la mañana de este martes, Guerrero se

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