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Month: February 2024

Resumen de la guerra de Rusia en Ucrania y noticias tras la muerte de Navalny del 29 de febrero

Sofía Barruti Esta cobertura en vivo finalizó. Puedes leer más sobre el funeral de Navalny aquí. Artilleros antiaéreos ucranianos vigilan el cielo el 20 de febrero de 2024, apenas unos días antes del segundo aniversario de la invasión a gran escala de Rusia. (Crédito: Anatolii Stepanov/AFP/Getty Images) The-CNN-Wire™ & © 2024 Cable News Network, Inc.,

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Biden administration opens investigation into foreign-made smart car components, particularly from China

By Sean Lyngaas and Samantha Waldenberg, CNN (CNN) — The US Commerce Department is opening an investigation into the national security risks posed by foreign-made hardware and software in smart cars, particularly Chinese-made technology, the department announced Thursday. The new investigation — which could lead to regulations restricting the use of certain car parts in the US

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Sunak says the UK is descending into mob rule. Critics accuse him of undermining protest rights

By JILL LAWLESS Associated Press LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says Britain is descending into “mob rule” because of the pressures created by protests against the Israel-Hamas war. His words were criticized as alarmist by a human rights group. Sunak told a meeting of police leaders that “increasingly violent and intimidatory behavior” is intended

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Airlines could face more fines for mishandling wheelchairs under a Biden administration proposal

By DAVID KOENIG AP Airlines Writer The Biden administration is announcing proposed new rules that officials say will help passengers with disabilities. The Transportation Department is proposing Thursday that it is proposing to make it easier for the government to fine airlines for damaging or misplacing wheelchairs. The department is also proposing that airlines provide

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Arzobispado de Toledo, España, rechaza los comentarios de dos sacerdotes por desear que el papa Francisco “se vaya pronto al cielo”

Sofía Barruti (CNN Español) — El Arzobispado de Toledo informó este miércoles a través de un comunicado su profundo rechazo a las declaraciones de dos sacerdotes de dicho arzobispado, quienes, durante un programa de tertulia entre sacerdotes llamado “La sacristía de La Vendée”, expresaron que se debía “rezar por que el papa se vaya al

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Iowa’s Caitlin Clark breaks Lynette Woodard’s record for most career points in major women’s college basketball

By Jacob Lev and Dalia Faheid, CNN (CNN) — Iowa Hawkeyes star Caitlin Clark has surpassed Lynette Woodard for the most points scored in major women’s college basketball history, days before she could potentially beat an additional record – for both men’s and women’s basketball. The 22-year-old broke Woodard’s record Wednesday when she scored 33 points in the Hawkeyes 108-60

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Austria’s top diplomat appeals for a pause in Mideast fighting for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan

By BASSEM MROUE Associated Press BEIRUT (AP) — Austria’s foreign minister has urged Israel and Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group against escalating the conflict along the volatile Israel-Lebanon border. Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg also said Thursday that he hopes for a pause in the fighting in Gaza in time for the start of the Muslim holy

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Putin warns that sending Western troops to Ukraine risks a global nuclear war

By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV Associated Press MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed Thursday to fulfill Moscow’s goals in Ukraine and sternly warned the West against deeper involvement in the fighting, saying that such a move is fraught with the risk of a global nuclear conflict. Putin’s blunt warning came in a state-of-the-nation address ahead

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