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Month: January 2024

China’s exports rise 2.3% in December amid uneven recovery, while consumer prices edged lower

By ZEN SOO AP Business Writer HONG KONG (AP) — China has reported that its exports grew slightly for a second consecutive month in December even as deflationary pressures continued. Official data released Friday underscored the uneven nature of the country’s economic recovery from the pandemic. Exports rose 2.3% year-on-year in December to $303.6 billion.

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ANÁLISIS | ¿Qué tipo de armas están utilizando Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido para atacar a los hutíes de Yemen?

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — Después de repetidas advertencias, las fuerzas estadounidenses y británicas han cumplido sus amenazas de tomar represalias contra los rebeldes hutíes respaldados por Irán por sus ataques a barcos comerciales en el mar Rojo. Al amparo de la oscuridad, lanzaron misiles y bombas contra objetivos en Yemen desde el aire y

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Japan successfully launches an intelligence-gathering satellite to watch for North Korean missiles

By MARI YAMAGUCHI Associated Press TOKYO (AP) — Japan has successfully launched a rocket carrying a government intelligence-gathering satellite on a mission to watch movements at military sites in North Korea and improve natural disaster response. The H2A rocket, launched by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, blasted off from the Tanegashima Space Center in southwestern Japan on

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Ecuador exigirá certificado de antecedentes penales a los extranjeros que quieran entrar a su territorio por Colombia o Perú

Ángela Reyes Haczek (CNN Español) — El Gobierno de Ecuador exigirá a los extranjeros que quieran entrar a su territorio por sus fronteras con Colombia o Perú que presenten un certificado de antecedentes penales, con el argumento de que con esta medida busca “evitar y controlar el ingreso de individuos que constituyan una amenaza o riesgo

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READ: President Joe Biden’s statement on strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen

By CNN Staff (CNN) — President Joe Biden said airstrikes launched by the US and UK against Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen were “in direct response to unprecedented Houthi attacks against international maritime vessels in the Red Sea.” The president ordered the strikes just days after what the US military called a “complex attack” by the Iranian-backed militants

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